
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Keluarin 3000 perak, Dapat 2,1 Juta

Haloo gua ada kisah nih yang bisa membuat kita termotivasi untuk saling berbagi kepada semua orang, tak mikirin nominal yang kita kasih yang penting ikhlas. Kisah ini gua jadikan topik di blog gua soalnya menarik buat gua pribadi hehe. Ini kisah yang terjadi sama temen gua. Awalnya sih gua sama temen gua ini lagi ngobrol-ngobrol iseng aja. Oke gua ceritain kronologisnya.

Jadi temen gua ini lagi jalan setelah mengujungi sebuah mall di Jakarta bersama teman-temannya. Ya jalan dipinggir jalan gitu lebih tepatnya, pas lagi dijalan muncul seorang kakek-kakek pengemis dan temennya temen gua ini ngasih uang Rp 2000 nah lalu setelah beberapa menit giliran nenek-nenek muncul didepannya lalu dia ngasih uang Rp 1000. Nah pas lagi dijalan temennya temen gua ini ngeliat kaya bungkusan kertas dijalan. Lalu diambil lah bungkusan itu tanpa sepengetahuan temen-temen. 

Akhirnya mereka sampai dirumah, pas ditanya sama temen gua ini 'eh lo kenapa gemeteran?' lalu temennya (yang nemu bungkusan) bilang 'gua nemu uang dijalan tadi'. Pas dihitung uang yg ada di bungkusan itu adalah Rp 2.100.000.

Dari cerita singkat tersebut gua bisa ambil kesimpulan, Tuhan pasti ngebalas semua kebaikan kita kalo kita saling memberbagi sesama manusia. Entah kebaikan yang dikasih oleh-Nya hari itu juga atau saat kita ingin membutuhkan pertolongan nanti. Mungkin itu rejeki buat dia langsung karena telah ikhlas memberikan sedekah berapa pun nominalnya. Dari cerita pendek itu gua juga bisa mikir dia ngeluarin uang pertama 2000 lalu 1000 terus dia dapat rejeki 2,1 sungguh keajaiban buat gua. 

Jadi buat temen-temen semua yuk kita saling berbagi ada tidaknya uang yg kita punya saat itu juga ga ada salahnya kita memberi sebagian harta yang kita punya. Semakin besar kita kasih dengan penuh rasa ikhlas maka balasan yang dikasih pun akan setimpal. Percaya deh :)

Cukup sekian semoga bermanfaat.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Josh Farro Returns With Post-Paramore Band Novel American

In first interview since his split with Paramore, Farro says he's focused on the future.

Josh Farro is done talking about the past. He'd rather talk about the future, starting with his new band, Novel American, which is shaping up to be everything that his former outfit — you know, Paramore — wasn't. 

"Basically, I met these guys in high school — they're a little older than me, and that's a big deal when you're in high school, they were always in the cool crowd — but we connected after high school, and we got together after the whole Paramore thing, and I was like, 'I don't know if I want to be in another band,' " Farro told MTV News. "But I called the guys, we got together, we wrote and we jammed, and it was great, so we decided, 'Let's do another band.' And, honestly, I had some ideas that just didn't fit with Paramore, and I said, 'Guys, we can try these,' and they just loved them, and so that's really how it all started." 

Those guys Farro is referring to are Van Beasley, Tyler Ward and Ryan Clark, formerly of Nashville act Cecil Adora. They'll now be singing, drumming and playing bass, respectively, in Novel American, with Farro on guitar ("I never wanted to sing," he said. "My voice — and this is not false humility — is just not that good"). And starting with their very first practice, they aimed to break the boundaries Farro had been limited by in Paramore. 

"My wife came up with the band name, because we were going through quite a long list — it got to the point where it was consuming our minds, because it was exciting — and she was like, 'What about Novel American?' ... Because the definition means 'Of a new kind, or something that hasn't been seen or heard before.' And I think that kind of describes us," Farro said. "We want to be a new breath of fresh air to the music scene. We all love Jimmy Eat World, so it's hard not to sound like them, but there's a little of everything in there. We're huge fans of Radiohead, Sigur Rós, Explosions in the Sky ... there's everything in there, really." 

Farro said that, right now — roughly a month into their existence — Novel American are keeping their goals manageable. They're planning to record an EP, "play some shows around town" and focus on playing music strictly for the sake of playing music. Like we said, Farro is done talking about the past — mostly because it's what he and his fans want. 

"[Paramore fans] just don't want this to be some dragged-out drama-fest. They just want to move on," he said. "I watched [MTV News' 'Paramore: The Last Word' interview], and, you know, I think we just disagree on a lot of things, and that's OK. I don't think it's wrong to disagree with someone, so, um, yeah, I just wish them the best in the future, and I really don't want to make it this huge drama thing, because then it becomes this huge war, and I don't want to dwell on that. I'm more excited about the future and this new band and that sort of thing." 

With a new band in the works, Farro finds the future to be a lot more appealing than his recent past. 

"I think 'liberating' is a great description of how I've felt over the past month. Coming from Paramore, I didn't think that I would want to be in a band or want to have anything to do with it, and so, when I actually found that passion and love for music again, I was like, 'Wow, this is great,' " he said. "We felt like we were in high school, we were all so giddy, and we still are, because everything is falling in place perfectly, and that first practice was great, and from then on, we've just been on cloud nine."

